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Англо-русский словарь - play


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Перевод с английского языка play на русский

gooseberry сопровождать влюбленных для приличия; быть третьим лицом
 1. noun
 1) игра; забава, шутка; - be at play - out of play
 2) азартная игра
 3) пьеса, драма; представление, спектакль; to go to the play - идти в театр
 4) шутка; - play on words - in play
 5) действие, деятельность; - bring into play - call into play - come into play - in full play
 6) свобода, простор; to give free play to ones imagination - дать полный простор своему воображению
 7) переливы, игра; - play of colours - play of the waves
 8) dial. забастовка
 9) tech. зазор; игра; люфт; свободный ход; шатание (части механизма, прибора) - fair play - foul play
 2. v.
 1) играть, резвиться, забавляться; the cat plays with its tail - кошка играет со своим хвостом
 2) поступать, вести себя легкомысленно; Its no good playing at business, you have to take it seriously.
 3) играть (во что-л., на что-л.), участвовать в игре; to play (at) tennis - играть в теннис; I played him for championship - я играл с ним на звание чемпиона; Dont play (at) cards against your father, he always wins. The captain wants to play Mills as defence in our next game.
 4) sport использовать в игре, выставлять, заявлять (игрока); The captain wants to play Mills as defence in our next game.
 5) играть в азартные игры
 6) исполнять (роль, музыкальное произведение); she played Juliet - она играла роль Джульетты; the boy played a concerto - мальчик исполнял концерт; to play (music) at sight - играть (музыкальное произведение) с листа; to play (music) by ear - подбирать (музыкальное произведение, мелодию) на слух
 7) играть на музыкальном инструменте; he plays the violin - он играет на скрипке;
 8) играть роль (кого-л.), быть (кем-л.); to play the man - поступать, как подобает мужчине; The director would like you to play the sister as a sympathetic character.
 9) давать представление (о труппе)
 10) сыграть (шутку), разыграть; he played a practical joke on us - он над нами подшутил
 11) поступать, действовать; - play fair - play safe - play foul - play false
 12) играть (на чем-л.), воспользоваться (чем-л.); to play in favour of smb., smth. - благоприятствовать кому-л., чему-л.
 13) подходить для игры, быть в хорошем состоянии; the ground plays well - спортивная площадка в хорошем состоянии; the piano plays well - у этого рояля хороший звук; the drama plays well - эта драма очень сценична
 14) порхать, носиться; танцевать; butterflies play among flowers - среди цветов порхают бабочки
 15) переливаться, играть; мелькать; lightning plays in the sky - в небе сверкает молния; a smile played on his lips - на его губах играла улыбка
 16) свободно владеть; to play a good stick - хорошо драться на шпагах; to play a good knife and fork - уписывать за обе щеки; есть с аппетитом
 17) приводить в действие, пускать; to play a record - поставить пластинку; the engine was played off - запустили мотор
 18) бить (о фонтане)
 19) направлять (свет и т.п. на что-л.) (on, over, along); обстреливать (on, upon); to play a searchlight upon a boat - направить прожектор на лодку; to play guns upon the fort - обстреливать форт; to play a hose - поливать водой из пожарного рукава
 20) ходить (шашкой, картой)
 21) принимать в игру (игрока)
 22) sport отбивать, подавать (мяч); He played the ball back close to the net.
 23) tech. иметь люфт
 24) дать (время) (рыбе) хорошо клюнуть also fig.
 25) dial. бастовать - play about - play along - play around - play back - play down - play in - play off - play on - play out - play over - play through - play up - play upon - play up - play up to to play smb. up -
 а) капризничать, приставать;
 б) разыгрывать (кого-л.);
 в) amer. использовать to play it by ear - принимать решение на месте, в зависимости от обстоятельств; to play it cool - вести себя спокойно, не суетиться - play for time - play hell - play havoc - play the devil - play the mischief to play ones cards well использовать обстоятельства наилучшим образом to play ones hand for all it is worth полностью использовать обстоятельства; пустить в ход все средства to play into the hands of smb. сыграть на руку кому-л. to play it low on smb. coll. подло поступить по отношению к кому-л. to play smb. for a fool amer. строить ИЗ кого-л. дурака to play smb. like a fish контролировать (кого-л.), легко управлять (кем-л.); The secret of the speakers success was his ability to play his opponent like a fish. to play a trick on smb. надуть, обмануть кого-л. to play games with smb. amer. обманывать кого-л. to play to the gallery работать на публику - play politics - play ball to play both ends against the middle в собственных интересах натравливать друг на друга
PLAY (the) wag увиливать от занятий, прогуливать
PLAY a part
 а) играть роль;
 б) притворяться;
PLAY a winning game
 а) играть наверняка;
 б) действовать наверняка
PLAY about
 а) играть, забавляться; The seashore was full of children, playing about in the sand.
 б) манипулировать; Many important discoveries have been made by scientists playing around with unusual combinations of chemicals.
 в) coll. флиртовать, заводить любовную интрижку; I warned you not to play around with married women, it always leads to trouble.
PLAY along
 а) подыгрывать, поддакивать; Well play along with his suggestion, although its not exactly what we wanted.
 б) тянуть, оттягивать время; The committee decided to play her along for a time, hoping to obtain her services for lower pay.
PLAY around = play about
PLAY back воспроизводить (магнитную, звуко- или видеозапись); Press the red button to play back.
PLAY ball coll.
 а) сотрудничать;
 б) задабривать
PLAY bo-peep играть в прятки also fig.
PLAY booty намеренно проигрывать, завлекая неопытного игрока; помогать выигрышу сообщника
PLAY down
 а) преуменьшать, умалять; The doctors thought it kind to play down the serious nature of her illness.
 б) заигрывать; Politicians have to learn to play down to the voters.
PLAY fair поступать честно;
PLAY false обманывать; I trusted my friend with my money, but he played me false and disappeared with it.
PLAY first violin играть первую скрипку, быть главным, занимать ведущее положение
PLAY footsie заигрывать с кем-л.
PLAY for love играть не на деньги
PLAY for safety избегать риска соблюдайте осторожность!
PLAY for time оттягивать время, пытаться выиграть время
PLAY foul поступать нечестно, жульничать; предавать;
PLAY havoc
 а) сеять панику;
 б) разрушать, губить
PLAY havoc among производить беспорядок, разрушать
PLAY havoc with производить беспорядок, разрушать
PLAY hell
 а) сеять панику;
 б) разрушать, губить
PLAY high cards играть по большой; ходить с крупной карты
 а) сопровождать музыкой; The town band played the victorious team in to the dinner given in their honour.
 б) sport войти в игру; John is known for taking about half an hour to play himself in.
PLAY low играть по низкой ставке
PLAY of colours переливы красок;
PLAY of the waves плеск волн
PLAY off
 а) разыгрывать (кого-л.); выдавать (кого-л./что-л. за кого-л./что-л. другое);
 б) заставлять кого-л. проявить себя с невыгодной стороны;
 в) coll. натравливать (на) (against); to play off one against another стравливать кого-л. в своих интересах, противопоставлять одно/одного другому;
 г) сыграть повторную партию после ничьей; завершить, закончить (соревнование); The two equal winners had to play off an additional game. The top teams in each group play off four games against each other.
PLAY on = play upon
PLAY on words игра слов, каламбур;
PLAY out
 а) доиграть до конца, закончить (игру, пьесу и т.п.); The tennis game was played out although the light was bad.
 б) сопровождать музыкой (выход кого-л.); The pianist played the happy pair out with the Wedding March.
 в) разворачивать, разматывать; Play out the rope a little at a time.
 г) coll. выдыхаться; At the end of a busy year, the performers feel played out.
 д) изживать себя, терять силу; исчерпать; That supply of money is played out. The idea soon played out.
PLAY over переиграть (игру, пьесу и т.п.); The judge ordered them to play that point over.
PLAY patience раскладывать пасьянс
PLAY politics вести политическую игру
PLAY possum
 а) притворяться больным или мертвым;
 б) прикидываться не понимающим или не знающим (чего-л.)
PLAY pranks
 а) откалывать штуки;
 б) капризничать (о машине)
PLAY safe действовать наверняка;
PLAY the baby ребячиться
PLAY the bear вести себя грубо
PLAY the devil
 а) сеять панику;
 б) разрушать, губить
PLAY the game играть по правилам; fig. поступать благородно;
PLAY the market спекулировать на бирже
PLAY the mischief
 а) сеять панику;
 б) разрушать, губить
PLAY the woman плакать; трусить
PLAY through sport выигрывать подряд (серию матчей и т.п.) Our team played through right up to the last game, and then lost.
PLAY to capacity theatr. делать полные сборы
 а) принимать деятельное участие (в разговоре, деле);
 б) amer. рекламировать;
 в) вести себя мужественно, героически;
 г) стараться играть как можно лучше
PLAY up to подыгрывать; fig. подлизываться; Your job as a supporting actor is to play up to the leading character.
PLAY upon играть (на чьих-л. чувствах); to play upon words каламбурить; Politicians often win votes by playing upon the electors distrust of the party in power.
PLAY wet-nurse нянчиться
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См. в других словарях

  1. игра; забава boy's plays —- мальчишеские игры equestrian plays —- спорт. конные игры actual play —- спорт. игра со счетом (очков) (на счет) loose play —- спорт. свободная игра (без счета) to be at play —- играть to bring the ball into play —- спорт. ввести мяч в игру children are fond of play —- дети любят игры (забавы) in play! —- спорт. в игре! out of play! —- спорт. вне игры! the ball is in play —- спорт. мяч в игре 2. спорт. манера, стиль игры, игра fair play —- игра по правилам, честная игра foul play —- игра с нарушением правил, грубая игра fine play —- красивая игра to win a match by good play —- выиграть матч благодаря хорошей игре to see that fair play is observed —- следить за соблюдением правил 3. спорт. комбинация tip-off play —- комбинация, начинающаяся начальным броском make plays —- разыгрывать комбинации 4. спорт. борьба; бой loose play —- учебно-тренировочный бой 5. азартная игра high play —- крупная игра low play —- игра по маленькой to lose money at play —- проигрывать деньги (в карты) the play runs high —- идет крупная игра 6. шутка in play —- в шутку out of mere play —- ради шутки, в шутку to do smth. in play —- сделать что-л. в шутку he answered part in earnest and part in play —- он ответил полушутя, полусерьезно I am not in the humour (mood) for play —- я не намерен шутить 7. каламбур play on words —- игра слов, каламбур play upon the meaning of the...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  игра ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) деятельность, операция 2) игра Syn: activity, practice 2. гл. 1) играть, делать ход, ходить 2) принимать игру ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) биение 2) зазор 3) игра 4) играть 5) игровой 6) люфт 7) партия 8) приводить в действие 9) ходить play use strategy — применять стратегию play a part in — играть роль play hose on — поливать из шланга play part of — фигурировать play the waiting game — выжидать steering wheel play — люфт рулевого колеса - convergent play - end play - fictitious play - free play - incomplete play - mean play - minimax play - nonconvergent play - nonterminating play - open play - optimal play - play back - play cards - play of chance - play optimally - play out - play over - rules of play - strategy of play - timid play - zero-sum play ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) воспроизведение (напр. фонограммы) 2) режим воспроизведения – continuous play – direct play – long play – programed play – random play – repeat 1 play – repeat all play – reverse play – shuffle play – television play – track play – two-point repeat play ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  зазор; люфт; свободный ход; шатание (прибора, элемента конструкции) admissible play ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) зазор; люфт 2) свободный ход - axial play - basket play - free play - piston play - side play - snake-like play of track - steering play PLAYBACK 1) воспроизведение 2) кино съёмка под фонограмму 3) вчт. считывание 4) машиностр. отработка управляющей программы - frame-by-frame playback - slow motion playback ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 intr. (often foll. by with) occupy or amuse oneself pleasantly with some recreation, game, exercise, etc. 2 intr. (foll. by with) act light-heartedly or flippantly (with feelings etc.). 3 tr. a perform on or be able to perform on (a musical instrument). b perform (a piece of music etc.). c cause (a record, record-player, etc.) to produce sounds. 4 a intr. (foll. by in) perform a role in (a drama etc.). b tr. perform (a drama or role) on stage, or in a film or broadcast. c tr. give a dramatic performance at (a particular theatre or place). 5 tr. act in real life the part of (play truant; play the fool). 6 tr. (foll. by on) perform (a trick or joke etc.) on (a person). 7 tr. (foll. by for) regard (a person) as (something specified) (played me for a fool). 8 intr. colloq. participate, cooperate; do what is wanted (they won't play). 9 intr. gamble. 10 tr. gamble on. 11 tr. a take part in (a game or recreation). b compete with (another player or team) in a game. c occupy (a specified position) in a team for a game. d (foll. by in, on, at, etc.) assign (a player) to a position. 12 tr. move (a piece) or display (a playing-card) in one's turn in a game. 13 tr. (also absol.) strike (a ball etc.) or execute (a stroke) in a game. 14 intr. move about in a lively or unrestrained manner. 15 intr. (often foll. by on) a touch gently. b emit light, water, etc. (fountains gently playing). 16 tr. allow (a fish) to exhaust itself pulling against a line. 17 intr. (often foll. by at) a engage in a half-hearted way (in an activity). b pretend to be. 18 intr. (of a cricket ground etc.) be conducive to play as specified (the pitch is playing fast). 19 intr. colloq. act or behave (as specified) (play fair). 20 tr. (foll. by in, out, etc.) accompany (a person) with music (were played out with bagpipes). --n. 1 recreation, amusement, esp. as the spontaneous activity of children and young animals. 2 a the playing of a game. b the action or manner of this. c the status of the ball etc. in a game as being available to be played according to...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English plega; akin to Old English plegan to ~, Middle Dutch pleyen  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. sword~  b. archaic game, sport  c. the conduct, course, or action of a game  d. a particular act or maneuver in a game: as  (1) the action during an attempt to advance the ball in football  (2) the action in which a ~er is put out in baseball  e. the action in which cards are ~ed after bidding in a card game  f. the moving of a piece in a board game (as chess)  g. one's turn in a game it's your ~  2.  a. obsolete sexual intercourse  b. amorous flirtation ; dalliance  3.  a. recreational activity; especially the spontaneous activity of children  b. absence of serious or harmful intent ; jest said it in ~  c. the act or an instance of ~ing on words or speech sounds  d. gaming, gambling  4.  a.  (1) an act, way, or manner of proceeding ; maneuver that was a ~ to get your fingerprints — Erle Stanley Gardner  (2) deal, venture  b.  (1) the state of being active, operative, or relevant other motives surely come into ~ — M. R. Cohen several issues are at ~  (2) brisk, fitful, or light movement the gem presented a dazzling ~ of colors  (3) free or unimpeded motion (as of a part of a machine); also the length or measure of such motion  (4) scope or opportunity for action  (5) a function of an electronic device that causes a recording to ~  5. emphasis or publicity especially in the news media wished the country received a better ~ in the American press — Hugh MacLennan  6. a move or series of moves calculated to arouse friendly feelings — usually used with make made a big ~ for the girl — Will Herman  7.  a. the stage representation of an action or story  b. a dramatic composition ; drama  Synonyms: see fun  II. intransitive verb  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. to engage in sport or recreation ; frolic  b. to have sexual relations; especially to have promiscuous or illicit sexual relations — usually used...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (plays, playing, played) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. When children, animals, or perhaps adults play, they spend time doing enjoyable things, such as using toys and taking part in games. They played in the little garden... Polly was playing with her teddy bear. VERB: V, V with n • Play is also a noun. ...a few hours of play until the baby-sitter takes them off to bed. N-UNCOUNT 2. When you play a sport, game, or match, you take part in it. While the twins played cards, Francis sat reading... Alain was playing cards with his friends... I used to play basketball... I want to play for my country... He captained the team but he didn’t actually play. V-RECIP: pl-n V n, V n with n, V n (non-recip), V for n (non-recip), V (non-recip) • Play is also a noun. Both sides adopted the Continental style of play. N-UNCOUNT 3. When one person or team plays another or plays against them, they compete against them in a sport or game. Northern Ireland will play Latvia... I’ve played against him a few times. VERB: V n, V against n • Play is also a noun. Fischer won after 5 hours and 41 minutes of play. N-UNCOUNT 4. When you play the ball or play a shot in a game or sport, you kick or hit the ball. Think first before playing the ball... I played the ball back slightly. VERB: V n, V n adv 5. If you play a joke or a trick on someone, you deceive them or give them a surprise in a way that you think is funny, but that often causes problems for them or annoys them. Someone had played a trick on her, stretched a piece of string at the top of those steps... I thought: ‘This cannot be happening, somebody must be playing a joke’. VERB: V n on n, V n 6. If you play with an object or with your hair, you keep moving it or touching it with your fingers, perhaps because you are bored or nervous. She stared at the floor, idly playing with the strap of her handbag. VERB: V with n 7. A play is a piece of writing which is performed...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »CHILDREN« when children play, they do things that they enjoy, often together or with toys  (The children ran off to play on the beach. | play sth)  (The boys were playing soldiers. | I don't want to play that game!)  (play with your new toys | He loves playing with his grandchildren.) 2 »SPORTS/GAMES« to take part in a game or sport  (play sth)  (Do you play a lot of golf? | I enjoy playing chess.) + agains  (They're a terrible team to play against.) + for  (He has played for England fifteen times now.) play sb  (She's playing Helen Evans in the semi-final. (=playing against her)) 3 play a ball to hit a ball in a game or sport  (She played the ball low, just over the net.) 4 play games to hide your real feelings or wishes in order to achieve something in a clever or secret way 5 play the game to behave in a fair and honest way 6 »MUSIC« a) to perform a piece of music on a musical instrument  (I've always wanted to learn to play the piano. | She tried to play a Bach Prelude. | Please play a tune on your concertina for me.) b) to produce music  (The bedside radio played softly. | I could hear a violin playing a waltz in the background. | play a record/tape/CD (=produce music from it))  (He just sits in his bedroom all day playing records.) 7 »THEATRE/ACTING« a) to perform the actions and say the words of a particular character in a theatre performance  (He had always wanted to play Hamlet. | play a role/part)  (The role of Mrs Goodfire was played by Jane Easton.) b) if a play is playing at a particular theatre, it is being performed there  (`Macbeth' is now playing at the Theatre Royal in York.) c) if actors play a theatre, they perform there in a play 8 play a part/role in sth to have an effect or an influence on something  (The press plays an important role in the life of a democracy.) 9 »PRETEND« linking verb to behave as if you are a particular kind of person or have a particular feeling or quality, even though it is not true  (play dumb/dead etc)  (The snake fools predators by playing dead. |...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  educ. abbr. Planned Learning Achievement For Youth NASDAQ abbr. Players International, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
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